Prior Art

Benchmark Tracking Tools

  • General

  • Benchmark Harness Specific

    • airspeed-velocity/asv - Airspeed Velocity: A simple Python benchmarking tool with web-based reporting
    • bamlab/flashlight - Flashlight is a Lighthouse-like tool for mobile apps. No installation required.
    • benchhub/benchhub - A service for running database benchmarks and saving the result
    • bheisler/ - Statistics-driven benchmarking library for Rust
    • bobheadxi/gobenchdata - Run Go benchmarks, publish results to an interactive web app, and check for performance regressions in your pull requests
    • callstack/reassure - Performance testing companion for React and React Native
    • codingberg/benchgraph - Visualization of Golang benchmark output using Google charts
    • CodSpeed - CodSpeed provides integrated CI tools for software engineering teams to anticipate the impacts of the next delivery on system performance.
    • Cybench - Continuous performance regression testing for Java CI/CD pipelines
    • dandavison/chronologer - Visualize performance benchmarks over git commit history
    • distributed-system-analysis/pbench - A benchmarking and performance analysis framework
    • icebob/bench-bot - Benchmark runner robot. Continuous benchmarking for benchmarkify the benchmark framework for NodeJS
    • jsperf/ - jsPerf aims to provide an easy way to create and share test cases, comparing the performance of different JavaScript snippets by running benchmarks.
    • jumaffre/cimetrics - Track your metrics in GitHub PR to avoid unwanted regressions
    • knqyf263/cob - Continuous Benchmark for Go Project
    • moditect/jfrunit - A JUnit extension for asserting JDK Flight Recorder events
    • NimbleDroid - Functional Performance Testing for Android & iOS
    • novadiscovery/benchgraph - A lightewight tool for visualizing your benchmarks history
    • OctoPerf - Simplify your load testing experience
    • ocurrent/current-bench - Experimental continuous benchmarking infrastructure using OCurrent pipelines
    • - Storage of Phoronix Test Suite benchmark result data (including optional system logs, etc)
    • OpenEBench - OpenEBench is the ELIXIR gateway to benchmarking communities, software monitoring, and quality metrics for life sciences tools and workflows.
    • Orijtech bencher - Continuous benchmarking for the Go programming language
    • Perfbench - Perfbench is an interactive online C++ code profiling tool.
    • Performance Analysis - Diagnose & prevent performance regressions
    • python/codespeed - A fork of Codespeed that includes the instances run at and
    • tobami/codespeed - A web application to monitor and analyze the performance of your code
    • trytouca/trytouca - Continuous Regression Testing for Engineering Teams
    • Unity-Technologies/PerformanceBenchmarkReporter - Establish benchmark samples and measurements using the Performance Testing package, then use these benchmark values to compare subsequent performance test results in an html output utilizing graphical visualizations
  • Web Specific

    • Contentsquare - Speed Analysis is not only about Synthetic Monitoring but also offers powerful Real User Monitoring capabilities, a great fit for brands leading the way on customer experience across the world.
    • Iron/Out - Faster websites equals better business results: improve user experience, increase conversion rate and page experience ranking, lower the bounce rate
    • MeasureWorks - Track user behavior with End-2-End observability to continuously optimize your online performance
    • SpeedCurve - See how people experience the speed of your website, then identify and fix performance issues
    • ubenchan/frontend - Beautiful browser benchmarks
    • WebPageTest - Run a free website speed test from around the globe using real browsers at consumer connection speeds with detailed optimization recommendations
  • Project Specific

🐰 A special thank you to Continuous Benchmark! Some of their test files are used for our Benchmark Harness Adapters.

Benchmark Tracking Posts

Benchmark Comparisons

  • CH-benCHmark - Operational and real-time Business Intelligence (BI) mixed workload SQL benchmarks
  • ClickBench - A Benchmark For Analytical DBMS
  • denosaurs/bench - Comparing deno & node HTTP frameworks
  • diesel-rs/diesel_bench - A benchmark suite for relational database connection crates in Rust
  • HewlettPackard/netperf - Netperf is a benchmark that can be used to measure the performance of many different types of networking. It provides tests for both unidirectional throughput, and end-to-end latency
  • krausest/js-framework-benchmark - A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks
  • PerfKit Benchmarker (PKB) - A set of benchmarks to measure and compare cloud offerings. The benchmarks use default settings to reflect what most users will see.
  • Programming Language Benchmarks - Yet another implementation of computer language benchmarks game
  • rebar - A biased barometer for gauging the relative speed of some regex engines on a curated set of tasks.
  • Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) - A non-profit consortium that establishes and maintains standardized benchmarks and performance evalutation tools for new generations of computing systems
  • TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks - In the following tests, we have measured the performance of several web application platforms, full-stack frameworks, and micro-frameworks (collectively, “frameworks”).
  • timescale/tsbs - Time Series Benchmark Suite, a tool for comparing and evaluating databases for time series data
  • The Computer Language Benchmarks Game - Which programming language is fastest?
  • TPC - Benchmarking and load testing for the worlds most popular databases supporting Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Db2, PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB
  • Top500

Benchmark Harnesses

Published: Fri, October 27, 2023 at 8:40:00 AM UTC | Last Updated: Mon, April 8, 2024 at 10:46:00 PM UTC